2009 craft books :: I Love Patchwork: 21 Irresistible Zakka Projects to Sew by Rashida Coleman-Hale
be sure to check out Rashida Coleman-Hale's i heart linen blog (she & i share a love for Bonne Maman jars), also check out the I Love Patchwork! - The Book flickr group

how adorable is this little lamb !?! i love the added touch of those fluffy pompoms tied to her ears & the little dress is irresistible, i want to sew one of those little dresses for a teddy bear that we have around here...

look at this cute little detail, tiny hexagons & the perfect button to match !
i applaud Rashida for bumping it up a notch & offering more challenging projects. i really feel that what she is doing is one direction the global crafting community is going in & i would really love to see her write another sewing book ! can you tell that this was one of my favorite craft books of 2009 ? :)

so far from the book i have made the blossom pincushion. it is made with a 7-well porcelain flower palette which is used for water-color painting & can be bought at an art supply store.

i already have the supplies gathered to sew the fold-up eco bag. also next on my list is the utensil basket...
see you tomorrow for day 10 !