2009 craft books :: Itty-Bitty Toys: How to Knit Animals, Dolls, and Other Playthings for Kids by Susan B. Anderson

Itty-Bitty Toys contains 27 knitting patterns including 5 reversible toys. i wanted to be sure to mention that the lamb pattern is available for free on the internet, so be sure to check that out...

this is a super fun post because i got to meet the author ! Susan came into town for a book signing & she signed my book... that's Susan sitting behind the table in the above photo --- isn't she cute? she's also friendly & down to earth & not to mention a very talented knitting pattern writer ! this is her 3rd book, by the way, i really enjoy the way she writes her knitting patterns, the step-by-step directions are always very clear... anyway, back to that 1st photo... every single knitted item photographed in Itty-Bitty Toys was on this table, it was nice to be able to see how all the toys compared in size, also to be able to touch them, i think you really have to watch the reversible toys being reversed to see how amazing they are...

so far from this book, i've knitted the hippo (although i used worsted weight yarn instead of doubling sock yarn) the purple hippo was a big hit ! it's a great pattern & makes such a unique toy (you don't see too many hippo knitting patterns out there).

the other project i knitted so far from this book is one of the reversible toys: the Egg to Bluebird and a Little Nest, Too

actually, i knitted a robin's egg --- from natural wool yarn that i dyed with blue Kool-Aid to make it robin's egg blue :)

OK, now this is the really fun part, watch this... turn the egg upside down & see that the eggs tranforms into a bird. here you can see the bird cracking it's beak & head through the egg shell...

it's a Robin ! the first sign of Spring (does this mean Spring is right around the corner?) since i knitted a Robin, i made it orange breasted...

also i used a bulkier yarn for the nest, so i only cast on 40 instead of 60 & for the decrease rows i skipped of few knit rows. it made for a smaller nest, doesn't the Robin look all nice & cozy & snug in her nest ?

this little robin/egg/nest will be an Easter gift/decoration, so this is probably what it will look like Easter Sunday morning on the table with the 3 paper nest bowls/Easter baskets filled with goodies in the background. oh, how i love all things Spring !!!
see you tomorrow for day 20 (the last day of 2009 craft books month) !