2009 craft books :: honorable mentions
here are 5 books that i didn't make anything from... these are more reference or technique type books, but i for sure wanted to mention them...
The Sewing Book by Alison Smith shows photographed step-by-steps of many many sewing techniques (i've always enjoyed how well photographed DK books are).

Bend the Rules with Fabric: Fun Sewing Projects with Stencils, Stamps, Dye, Photo Transfers, Silk Screening, and More by Amy Karol, be sure to check out the author's Angry Chicken blog & Bend the Rules with Fabric flickr group.

Fabricate: 17 Innovative Sewing Projects that Make Fabric the Star by Susan Wasinger.

Design-It-Yourself Clothes: Patternmaking Simplified by Cal Patch.

Perfectly Fitted: Creating Personalized Patterns for a Limitless Wardrobe by Lynne Garner.
See you tomorrow for day 12 !