A few months ago I went to a used clothing sale and bought 34 newborn sized (which fits a 5-8 pound baby) clothing items for $47. So it cost about $1.38 for each item. The intention was to turn them into doll clothes.
First off, these newborn tops (one orange and the other one blue with white dots) became instant 18-inch doll dresses with no adjustments necessary.
Next up, there were these two newborn onsie dresses.
I simply lifted up the skirt part of the dress and cut off the onsie part with a scissors. Just that one quick easy step and they became 18-inch doll dresses. No need to finish the newly cut edges as knit fabric doesn't fray.
The straps on the pink striped dress turned out to be a little bit too long.
So I tucked the straps under in the back and sewed them down using my sewing machine. It fit much better after I did that.
Most of the newborn onsies were made into 18-inch doll t-shirts and nightgowns. The newborn bloomers and pants turned out to be too big for an 18-inch doll, but they do fit a bigger baby doll.
What a deal with each new doll clothing item only costing around $1.38 a piece!