Monday, December 12, 2011

Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Sewing Supplies

ETA: Libby is the winner, she shared this link of a makeover of a console TV to a pretty blue shelf !  Thanks to everyone who entered !
 It's December Giveaway day !

A big thank you to Sew, Mama, Sew!  for hosting such a fabulous giveaway event !

The prize:
One copy of the "Craft Challenge: Dozens of Ways to Repurpose Scarves" book (my project page signed by moi) & 3 vintage Vera scarves (use the 3 scarves to create one or more of the 30 sewing projects from the book)

Enter to win:
:: please leave an answer to the following question: what is your favorite repurposed project? it doesn't have to be sewing... a repurposed project you've made or one you've seen elsewhere ~ please leave a link to the project, thanks !
:: one entry per person
:: I will choose a winner by picking my favorite repurposed project from all those that are shared
:: open until Friday, December 16 at 5 p.m. PST
:: I will email the winner by December 18, and note the winner in this post
:: I will ship internationally
:: book & scarves will be shipped by December 24

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