
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Even More Little Geraniums

I can't stop sewing these Little Geranium dresses (here are my 1st 'bouquet' and 2nd 'bouquet').

Earlier this month I was reorganizing my fabric stash and came across pieces that were less than a third of a yard. Just enough to make baby dresses, I thought. This batch of dresses were made from simple quilting cottons except for the gray which is a mystery fabric (it has a bit of stretch), the bodice lining is simple white cotton blend. These baby dresses were made for and will be donated to Dress A Girl Around the World.

If you are ever interested in sewing up a Little Geranium (free pattern, size 0-3 months), here are the amounts that are needed. Just something to keep in mind when you are going through your fabric stash and are wondering what could be made from those smaller fabric pieces.

5.5 X 6 inches (2 of these are needed for the bodice back)
6 X 10 inches (1 of these is needed for the bodice front)
11 X 34 - 11 X 44 inches (1 of these is needed for the skirt)

Do you have fabric pieces in those sizes in your fabric stash?

PS this little blog celebrated it's 4th birthday yesterday ~ thank you for reading, subscribing, and for all of your sweet comments over the years :)