
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DIY Ice Cube Tray Crayons

 {Kid Summer Creativity}

On the last day of school when the kids got home I had them fill out My Final Day of School interview sheet (free print out). This was the first year we did that, but I hope to remember to do it every year.

They came home with bags full of stuff, including school supplies that weren't used up.

Looking for something to do with all those crayons?? We gathered similar colored crayons, removed the paper wrappers, placed them in a small jar that was placed in a small pot of boiling water on the stove. Once all the crayons were completely melted we poured the melted crayon mixture into silicone ice cube trays and waited for them to harden. And voila! New fun shaped crayons!

PS Those number crayons are how old my 2 youngest babies are turning this summer ~ I'm in complete denial!

PPS We use a lot of jars around here, if you are looking for more ideas on how to reuse jars, have a look in my archives where you will find a month of 'repurposing a jar'.