
Monday, May 14, 2012

children's vintage sewing patterns

 The Vintage May series is going on this month, hosted by skirt as top & Craftiness in not Optional.

Another post here inspired by Vintage May, see my previous post about my vintage sewing machine collection & women's vintage sewing patterns. This time it's children's vintage sewing patterns. I apologize in the advance for the photography, some of these sewing patterns I own & took photos of at home, but some I took while vintage shopping. I think I am spoiled to have so many vintage shops within driving distance where I can find so many vintage sewing patterns. The ones here are from the early 1900's all the way to 1988 (remember 'vintage' is anything 20 years or older). Anyway, some vintage eye candy for you today ~ enjoy !

(Above photo)
McCall's 8226 (1950) ~ I was amazed to find this one is such excellent condition especially considering that it's 62 years old !!!

Pictorial Review 8634 (early 1900s) ~ one of the oldest patterns I've ever seen
 Simply Pattern no.225 (one of the oldest patterns I've ever seen), Advance 3443, Butterick ?
 Simplicity ?218, ?, Simplicity 1701, Simplicity 8428 (1969)
 McCall's 8743 (1951), Simplicity 3234
 Simplicity 5999, Simplicity 2599 (1948)
 Butterick ?, Simplicity 3696, McCall's 8863 (1967)
 Vogue 5229, Simplicity 5519 (1964)
 Butterick 2409, Simplicity 2740 (1959), Vogue 2753
 Butterick 3342, Butterick 3743, McCall's 7545 (1964)
 Simplicity 4332
 Simplicity 4829
 Simplicity 4568, McCall's 6132 (1961)
 Simplicity 5685 (1964)
 Simplicity 6111 (1965)
 McCall's 8551 (1966)
 McCall's 7885 (1965), McCall's 7854 (1965), McCall's 8593 (1966)
 Simplicity 2582 (1950s), Simplicity 7792 (1968)
 Simplicity 7938 (1968), Simplicity 7776
 Simplicity 7785 (1968)
 Simplicity 7966 (1968)
 Simplicity 8717 (1970)
 Simplicity 5483 (1972)
 McCall's 4449 (1975)
 Burda 01209, McCall's 7756 (1981)
 Simplicity 7866 (1986)
 McCall's 3830 (1988)
Do you sew for children using vintage sewing patterns? Whenever I'm sewing something for my daughter using a vintage patterns, I always think about who was the mom long ago that used this, who was she sewing it for? I bet she sewed it with lots of love.

Happy Vintage May !