
Thursday, August 18, 2011

summer vacation

{what i did during my summer vacation}

:: right off the bat, I started my summer with cutting my oldest son's jeans into shorts, these pair of jeans had holes in the knee anyway (I noticed it's always the right knee that gets the hole), it's so easy 'sewing' boys a summer wardrobe isn't it ?  the leftover bottom pant legs were added to my ever growing pile of denim, I really should get around to counting how many jeans & denim pieces are in that pile AND finally decide what I'm going to do with it all...

:: my kids discovered Lucky Charms cereal for the first time, such fun colorful marshmellows :) Lucky Charms cereal is not certified gluten-free, but gluten-free enough for my oldest son & I

:: I baked smores cookies & they were a big hit

:: I tried macarons (a lovely French confection) which are fancy sandwich cookies, AND they are gluten-free thanks to almonds, for local people, you can buy them here

:: I knitted some washcloths for Knit for Japan 

:: we have been enjoying a few of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes (actually there are more than 10,000, but who's counting?) which included 4 weeks of swimming lessons, one case of swimmer's ear, & a little bit of sun burn

:: I came across this library savings calculator & it is fascinating !  how much do you save by using the library ? check it out !   our family saves $1160 per month !!!  (that's $290 per person per month), isn't that unbelievable & fabulous all at the same time !?!  and we're not even officially a homeschooling family...  we do use the library A LOT, go there twice a week, & have 70-some items checked out all the time. I check out a ton of craft books & cook books, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised by how much money we're saving.

:: I hope you have had a good summer & continue to enjoy it before it ends