
Friday, October 30, 2009

welcome !

hi there ! welcome to my craft blog - i named this blog nest full of eggs well, because i heart nests & eggs and i'm a mother of 3 (hence the 3 eggs in the nest in the banner photo) and i enjoy spring and Easter... speaking of nests & eggs, that brings me to this book i wanted to share, it's called Egg & Nest by Rosamond Purcell

let's crack its shell & have a look inside... many colorful eggs & unique nest constructions...

isn't it lovely?

for the month of November i will be doing a month of repurposing a jar - one of my favorite things to repurpose. each weekday, so that will be 21 days, there will be crafts & ideas to repurpose a glass jar --- maybe you'd like to play along?

have a great weekend !